
Title: Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul

Author: Bill Hybels

Two sentence review: Bill Hybels lays out his take on how to remove things in life that leave us tired and burned out in order to leave room for the things of God. Nothing earth shattering, but still convicting.


Title: How to Speak to Youth . . . and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time

Author: Ken Davis

Two sentence review: First systematic approach to prepping youth talks that I have read. It’s been great to add, compare and contrast Ken Davis’s process to parts of my own processes.


Title: Boundaries in Marriage

Author: Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend 

Two sentence review: Cloud & Townsend apply the principles laid out in their book Boundaries to marriage. Most of the book focuses on learning to take responsibility for you and your actions and allowing your partner to do the same.



Title: Moneyball

Author: Michael Lewis

Two sentence review: Moneyball tells the true story of how two men changed the way the game of baseball is played. Lewis weaves a fascinating story of redemption, economics and sports.


Batman: No Man’s Land, Vol. 1

Author: Bob Gale

Two sentence review: No Man’s Land is the start of an epic tale where the fight for Gotham’s soul turns into a battle for Gotham’s very survival. One of my favorite “recent” plot lines in the Batman universe.