Downloads: (Including Audio Track, Handout, Answer Sheet)
Supplies: Enough pens and handouts for each team, a sound system to rock the track, and the answer sheet.
To Play: Break students into groups of 3-12ish. As always tactically encourage students to pull in adults to help their team in order to help foster adult/teen relational ministry. Hand out the handout. Set up the game by explaining that you’ve been watching a lot of TV and you realized how great the theme music is and you are were wondering how many tv shows your group can identify just by listening to the music. Warn them that it’s going to go fast and to give the pen to the fastest writer in the squad. Each song will play for about 6 seconds and you’ve got to identify the TV-Show based on the theme. Tell them not to yell out the answers. The team with the most correct answers at end wins.
When going over the answers, I suggest using our Trivia Big Finish Technique.