by | Feb 20, 2017 | Blog
Excerpt from a Sermon I gave on Resurrection MPLS on 2/19/17 What is grace? Grace is an undeserved and unexpected gift What is grace? Grace is resurrection when we don’t deserve it What is grace? Grace is a bit of hope when all you should feel is grief and pain....
by | Dec 27, 2016 | Blog
God has been tugging at my heart on what a Millennials ministry looks like. At my extended family’s Christmas party, my cousin showed me a SNL-style parody of a faux WorldVission organization that supports struggling millennials. I politely laughed along....
by | Dec 9, 2016 | Blog
As many of you know, Youth Forum is taking a pause. This has left me hunting for my next vocational adventure. I have a lot of exciting news on the job front: I’ve been asked to join the team at Youth Leadership. I’ll be working with a giant in the youth ministry...
by | Aug 13, 2016 | Content
The Summer Festival Camp promo team uses this video to help get potential campers excited about joining the fun at Summer Festival...
by | Aug 4, 2016 | Blog, Content
Here are some of the creative projects that we did at Summer Festival Camp this summer. PokemonIRL Our real-life take on PokemonGo. The game even had a functional web app managing the game– [siteorigin_widget...