by | Mar 29, 2015 | Blog, Content
From our Game on! Fundraiser: Name that Harrison Ford Movie Handout Name that Harrison Ford Movie Handout Answers
by | Mar 11, 2015 | Blog
First – a time lapse of the set-up: Next – what was played on tv: Lastly – a blog about the team who did the environmental projection for the show
by | Mar 9, 2015 | Blog
Downloads: (Including Audio Track, Handout, Answer Sheet) Supplies: Enough pens and handouts for each team, a sound system to rock the track, and the answer sheet. To Play: Break students into groups of 3-12ish. As always tactically encourage students to...
by | Mar 9, 2015 | Blog, Content
Often in trivia games, it can be anticlimactic to have everyone just say how many points they earned in the game. Instead we suggest the Trivia Big Finish Technique: 1. Have all of the students stand-up 2. Ask them to remain standing if they got x right. Where x = a...